His Other Wife by Ava Strong

This book was very good and I gave it 4 out of 5 in April 2023.

In a dark and distant future, death is obsolete.

Jonas is a transient: a human spy living as an eternal. His mission is simple: always learn, never get caught.

In the year 2578, an immortal regime controls the planet. Endless war has pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. Desperate to survive, the remaining factions deploy teenage spies, hoping to defeat the enemy from within.

After years in the lion's den, Jonas has grown to admire the eternal civilization. He is learning to love what he blindly hated, blurring the mission and himself.

But a reckoning is coming. The fates of billions hang in the balance. When the axe falls, Jonas must choose between his family and his species.

Text from GoodReads


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