A Credible Threat by Janet Dawson

This book was good and I gave it 3 out of 5 in March 2023. 

 Oakland PI Jeri Howard is now taking house calls. At least when her ex-husband's daughter, Vicki Vernon, is on the other end of the line. Vicki, who is an undergrad at prestigious UC Berkeley, fears the worst when her shared house receives multiple threats from an unknown antagonizer. 

First, it's hostile phone calls. Then vandalism and stalking. And everything becomes real when Jeri picks up the house phone and hears the stalker's chilling voice herself. 

As if that weren't enough, a nasty flyer circulates around the law school filled with bigoted epithets against students of color and women -- and it's uncannily similar to the anonymous caller's hateful words. But with so many possible targets in one household, Jeri's just not sure which of the housemates is the target. 

After all, Rachel volunteers at an abortion clinic. Ben is an African-American student on scholarship. Marisol spends her time helping victims of domestic abuse. And Vicki and Emily have been harassed on campus by a sexist chemistry student. 
But when someone

Text from GoodReads


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