Phatthalung - Day 2

We left the Sittinard Grandview Hotel early for breakfast in a local restaurant 

- ร้านน้ำชาดาวไทย ถนนผดุงดอนยอ - very tasty and very popular.

Great coffee....

And then it was a trip up the hill to สำนักสงฆ์ วังสุคติธรรม สันตินคร - 778 steps in total and it was a wonderful and beautiful place which must be visited.

However it was a very quiet place and I was apprehensive about taking photographs...

Time for a snack and we visited Larn Ta Chu Steakhouse where we had dessert and drinks.

Then it was off to another temple - วัดเขาอ้อ / Wat Khao Aor.

Before becoming a Temple, it was considered to be a centre of learning, called the ThisaPamok School that was similar toTakkasila in India, presumably founded before 857 by Brahmins from India during the age of “Dravidian Yatra”, which is the time that the Brahmins expanded the religious belief from India. This place was famous for supernaturalpowers and ancient medicine, especially, related toWan, an herbal plant; later there wasa Wandipping ritual and manyother forms of black magic until it became well-known nationwide as a place that had inherited the magic and spells for invulnerability until today.  At present, the“Follow the path of the Lord Buddha, Follow a trace of the ritual of Khao O House” Festival takes place annually.
Text from Amazing Thailand.

This was somewhere that was wonderful to visit...

Then we popped into Kwanjai Bamboo Garden - a popular place.

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