Instagram (App) Post 7 Phuket Vegetarian Festival

Super idea - shares all the photographs
BUT this was the camera...

Cost: Free
Ease of use: simple
Comment: wonderful for sharing photographs
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Settings (App) Post 6

Easy notifications and access to the Internet...


Fruit - more Papaya

Fruit (Papaya) keeps the doctor away.


Ramkhamhaeng 76 (BKK) Walk 300+ cones

The cones were there today
- No Parking ?

The building looked impressive in 
the sun light...

Not much fruit left - we 
bought a mango and a pineapple.

What's over the fence and in the 
corner of the parking ?

The seat is back...

This walk was in September 2024.


The Artist's House (BKK) Visit 1

The Artist's House was certainly an interesting place to visit.

There was an artist next to the khlong...

You could feed the fish...

Or simply walk alongside and see what you find...

It was certainly worth going...


Nid Coffee Shop (Ramkhamhaeng 76) Visit 200+

Nid Coffee Shop was busy as usual. 

My coffee was good and quickly made.

Is Nid her name?

Tanyapat & Anyawee - I think there was nobody there and the television was not on...

and Chong Heng Cafe seemed quiet.

There are options for street coffee on the same Ramkhamhaeng 76 - this visit was made in 

Street Coffee (Ramkhamhaeng 76)   

 Previous mentions.


Patra Village (Ramkhamhaeng 76) (BKK) Walk 600+ clouds

A pleasant morning...

How did the door break off?

Nice garden decorations...

In the middle of the village...

and back around...

This walk was in October 2023.