Baanook Cafe (ข้ามันบ้านนอก คาเฟ่) (BKK) Visit 5 (Part 2/2)

Merry Christmas decorations...



Nirvana and lemon soda.

A lot more...

and outside...

This visit was in December 2025. 

Phone Number: 092 494 8459  
Approximate Price: $$$$$
Address: 15, 1 Ramkhamhaeng 125 Alley, Hua Mak, Bang Kapi District, Bangkok 10240
Hours: 10:00 a.m - 09:00 p.m


Windmill Viewpoint (Phuket)

Just along from Prom Thep Cape in Phuket - there is a Windmill and a viewpoint.

You can have your wedding photographs up here - these are the weddings that I took care of and was involved in.

A very photogenic spot to visit in Phuket.



เป็ดย่างพงษ์กี่ (BKK) Visit 108

We got our usual table...

I had the red pork - it was very good...

This was what they had - they had finished 
my usual 'crispy pork'.

Jemma played with her phone - 
I was listening to music on mine...

FOODPANDA was doing a pick up...

This visit was April 2024.

Phone Number: 02 376 3284  
Approximate Price: $$$$$
Address: 324/1 Ramkhamhaeng 78 Alley, Hua Mak, Bang Kapi District, Bangkok 10240
Hours: 6:00am - 2:30pm (closed Tues)



Google Maps - Navigation & Information (App) - Post 11

It shows my contribution
Cost: Free
Ease of use: simple
Comment: wonderful for finding where you are
For more App reviews - click here.


It's Sunday


Nid Coffee Shop (Ramkhamhaeng 76) Visit 275+ hello

The adjacent table was busy as usual and smiling...

My coffee was quickly made

which I drank whilst reading a good book. 

Chong Heng was closed still

and Tanyapat & Anyawee was empty.

There are also other options for street coffee on the same Ramkhamhaeng 76 - this visit was made in 

Street Coffee (Ramkhamhaeng 76)   

 Previous mentions.


Ramkhamhaeng 76 (BKK) Walk 300+ empty

Tidying up the bins...

The kitchen is open again !

BUT this stall is not open today.

The cook is wandering about today.

And this cook is busy - 
she makes good Som Tum...

This walk was in September 2024.



Bird in the garden

We had a Honey Eater in the garden recently.

We think that there is a nest in the house adjacent...

But they have not been back recently...