Are there any sharks in Phuket? |
OCEARCH's Global Shark Tracker lets you observe the navigational pattern of sharks that have been tagged with satellite tracking technology all for the purpose of shark conservation.
OCEARCH facilitates unprecedented research by supporting leading researchers and institutions seeking to attain groundbreaking data on the biology and health of sharks, in conjunction with basic research on shark life history and migration.
Well using this App there does not seem to be any around Phuket so I reckon you are pretty safe...
Well then I spoke to my friend Nick who tells me that he sees black tipped sharks? sometimes when he has been fishing.
Then I read that Sea Bees (a Diving Company in Phuket) organise dives to watch the sharks, there is a Shark Point but TripAdvisor warns you to be careful of the sharks on the land!
Cost: Free
Ease of use: simple
Comment: the App says No - but there are if you know where to go