Booked by Josh Turner

This book was too much like a job I used to do and I gave it 1 out of 5 in April 2023.

When you can position yourself as a leader, as a real expert, your prospects will actually want to talk to you. But using traditional methods can be expensive and time-consuming. You don’t have the luxury of spending thousands or taking the next couple years to position yourself as a market leader. You need it now. This updated edition of Booked is a 5-step process that helps you quickly position yourself as an expert in your industry, directly connect you with an unlimited supply of prospects, and work them through processes that will generate a predictable number of leads and appointments. When you have that predictable number of appointments, you’ll have a predictable stream of new clients. While the system does leverage LinkedIn, Facebook, and email, it is not about the platform. It’s about the process. No matter where your clients can be found, the process can work for you.

Text from GoodReads


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