Phuket Vegetarian Festival - piercing and parade 2015

The Phuket Vegetarian Festival was special for me because I joined the parade this time (after the possessions and the piercing). I have written so much about this in previous posts that today I am going to put some links at the bottom. Jamie had a good idea and updated the post... but I didn't.

The morning started with being at the wrong temple (I was at Samkong and not Jeng Ong) - but Samkong did look nice in the early morning.

Then I was offered a lift by a Thai gentleman as I walked between the two temples - thank you.

It was busy with people when I arrived at 7am. The colour fun part had started - the threading of the pins - I always think that this must take time... it does.

Then the possessed began to come out of the temple to the beat of the drums.

The piercing always begins under this cloth - which is the same as the one that the hear Mah Song carries.

Then there seemed to be the possessed flooding out from the shrine all coming out to be pierced.

I noticed that each chair where the piercing took place was also resting on blessed paper from the temple - similar to the offering tables along the roads of the parade.

The drumming became louder and it was clear who the head Mae Song was for the day - and as he was tipped into a frenzy more people seemed to appear. More people joined in and then they seemed to stream out.

Then the parade began. 

Just noticed that I watched this person be possessed and pierced...

Firecrackers were thrown - yes I got hit a number of times - my videos were quite entertaining.

I do get comments about why I choose to go but I really think that cycling through the chaos was a bit strange?

We entered in to Phuket Old Town where there were more people waiting by the side of the road waiting for blessing from the possessed.

The pierced sometimes stopped for a photograph to be taken 

whilst to possessed blessed the onlookers. 

For the others it was a case of running along the road to catch up with them.

(my Instagram photo)

Previous Visits 2015
 1) Possession and Piercing 2015 - Bangkoo Shrine 

Previous Visits 2014

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