Phuket Vegetarian Festival 2015 - Shrine and Parade

Tuesday starts very early for me - the Kathu Shrine Temple possession and parade is always a favourite of mine. Arriving early means that you are able to go into the actual shrine and watch the piercing.

I do feel that the photographer who set a tripod up in the temple did not know what he was doing and was very disrespectful to the culture though...

There did not seem to be as many obscure piercings as I had seen previously but there were more women.

I think this is who I refer to as Jamie's Banana Man?

My tattooed possessed was there again - more photographs to come.

The amount of onlookers seemed to have grown and there was a lovely aroma of the burning wood and of the incense... The drumming was regular and music consistent - yes it was the Phuket Vegetarian Festival.

There were a number or people who escorted the possessed through the streets and they all carried different things.

Something which was common was the carrying of a specific deity. Some people carried them on their heads!

I met Jamie again - always a pleasure and he gave me a quick lesson in photography - thanks Jamie.

Then the possessed began to leave and the Sedan Chairs were all moved into position...

The Head Mae Song began the procession of the shrines.

The explosions and firecrackers began....

Fabulous - but I tried to make a few videos and they will be posted later - Periscope was tried again but I have not yet ascertained how successful the broadcast was this time...

There was a sunrise as they began to walk - but I have no idea how to make the most of this with the camera!

Is this a way that they recycle florescent tubes?

Thank you to all of you for welcoming me into the shrine to witness the special cultural occasion... See you next year.

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